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Electrification Strategy

Aug 30, 2023

Electrification is the process of transitioning from the use of carbon-emitting power sources like gas and coal to using electricity from the grid for everything from transportation to heating. For City Light customers, this means shifting to a completely carbon-neutral, clean energy source for all of their energy use, benefiting the environment as well as local air quality and public health.

City Light approaches electrification and the future of energy centered on three core values - equity, environment, and the grid. Our goal is to create a portfolio of programs that reflect these values and the voices of the communities we serve while helping the greater Seattle area achieve a fully electrified, carbon-free future.

City Light has long been committed to enabling customer choices and guaranteeing sustained public value is the utility's core mission. As an increasing number of City Light customers are making the choice to electrify their fleets and personal vehicles based on a wide variety of factors, we're working to understand and accelerate customer adoption of electric transportation in a manner that equitably and sustainably maximizes grid benefits for our customers.

Our Transportation Electrification Strategy outlines the investment priorities City Light will undertake to ensure that the utility can honor its commitment to bringing maximum value and convenience to our customers as we work to enable this critical transformation. These investment priorities include:

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions is a top priority and our transportation electrification strategy is the key to success. Some benefits you can expect:

Read our Transportation Electrification Strategy and Plan.Find out how electric vehicles can help you reduce your carbon footprint.

Electrification of home and water heating means replacing gas furnaces, boilers, and water heaters with heat pumps that use the carbon-neutral electricity that City Light provides. This type of electrification can greatly help reduce carbon emissions and enable the City of Seattle to meet its carbon reduction goals.

Learn more about energy-efficient home and water heating.