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IUB issues electric generating certificate for Alliant Energy's solar and battery storage project

May 23, 2023

(Des Moines) – The Iowa Utilities Board (IUB) today issued an order granting a certificate of public convenience, use and necessity to Interstate Power and Light Company, a subsidiary of Alliant Energy (Alliant), for the company's solar electric generating facility and battery energy storage system (BESS) project to be located near Creston in Union County, Iowa.

On October 31, 2022, Alliant filed an application for its proposed 50 megawatt (MW) solar generating facility and an associated 25 MW BESS project in Docket No. GCU-2022-0004. The proposed project area consists of approximately 307 acres of agricultural land.

Alliant anticipates the solar project will connect underground to the project collector substation, which will be located offsite and co-located with a planned ITC Midwest substation. The solar project will interconnect to the transmission system at the planned ITC Midwest substation. The BESS portion of the proposed project is anticipated to be located on approximately three acres in the southwestern corner of the project area and will also connect to the collector substation.

Today's order limits Alliant's generating certificate to the proposed 50 MW solar generating facility and 25 MW BESS. Any increase to total generating capacity or the addition of a storage facility would require Alliant to file for an amendment to the certificate with the IUB. Additionally, a request to transfer the facility to another entity would require IUB approval in accordance with Iowa Code § 476A.7(2).

The order also grants Alliant's January 26, 2023, request to waive a public hearing and associated procedural requirements under Iowa law. The order acknowledges that Alliant has not sought the power of eminent domain and all landowners approved and consented to the use of their land for the proposed project by voluntary easement agreements.

Under Iowa Code chapter 476A, the IUB will issue the certificate with the following conditions:

Documents regarding Alliant's solar facility and BESS project are available for review in the IUB's electronic filing system under Docket No. GCU-2022-0004.

Project to be located near Creston in Union County